Tuesday, June 19, 2012

MEN COLLECTION WATCH: Katie Eary Spring/Summer 2013 Collection IM IN LOVE !!!

The Aquatic Life–Rep­re­sen­ta­tive of London’s young up and com­ing design­ers,Katie Eary The Designer went for the gusto when it came to her spring/​summer 2013 pre­sen­ta­tion, blend­ing a preva­lent incli­na­tion for streetwear-​​inspired fash­ions with a splash of glam­our. Work­ing with silk and an auda­cious print that was very Ver­sace but not…this one involved a fishy scheme, west coast Amer­i­can cul­ture once again found itself weaved into the fab­ric of Lon­don Col­lec­tions: Men. Scaled and ready for the new sea­son at bay, baggy and over­size sil­hou­ettes gave life to a sea of lay­ered boxy shirts, long-​​sleeved tops, basketball-​​cut shorts and semi-​​fitted pants, paired with white train­ers. The com­po­nents were mod­est but paired with a an endear­ing but some­times over­bear­ing print, Ms. Eary trav­eled into the deep for a relent­less col­lec­tion that boasted all the airs of an embold­ened fashion